CNC cone making machine made of high quality cast iron "QM#500"Capacity: 3000-7800set/hourCNC cone makingmachine
Main Specification:
45 units baking plates sized: 260mm X 240mm are made ofhigh
quality cast iron "QM#500" linkedto form an endless chain,
connected with high temperaturebushes and roller bearing, high
temperature food grade grease rilledin between, 24 hours
production is possible, each bakingplate produce 2 wafers.
• Automatic pilot for gas oven,control panel with temperature
• One unit cooling conveyor, 6meters in length. Electronic speed
control from 0.5 meter to 3 metersper minute in speed. FOOD
GRADE PVC conveyor surface table,frame made of #201
Stainless Steel.
• Design of sugar cone: Length 120mm± 3mm; Flat topped cone,
angle 22° / 23°; diameter 48mm 2mm0; top ring 3mm width;
Length 100mm ± 3mm; Heart shapedcone, angle 22 °/ 23°;
diameter 44mm 2mm 0; top ring 3mmwidth.
Automatic Rolled Sugar ConeMachine
One lot of Free-Supply ofAccessories : ~
A Parts for Oven & Rollingsystem
1. Baking Plate 260 x 240 mm 1Complete unit
2. 22/23 degree mould & shellwith axle & gear shaft for standard cone 1 set
3. Take off knife
4. Spare roller filled with HighTemp Food grade grease
5. Main axle for bakingplate
6. Hinge axle
7. High Temp Bushes of various type& size, ample for
Complete oven & Rolling systemoverhauling
8. High Temp grease (Food Grade),German made
9. Piston seal for Batter pump ( 5pcs/set)
10. Timing belt for Rollingsystem
11. Timing belt for batterpump
12. Claw stamp for take offarms
B Parts for Air-gas Mixingsystem
1. Gas solenoid controlvalve
2. Gas non-return valve
3. Air-Filter
C Parts for Electric Box
1. Solenoid switch for mainbox
2. Solenoid switch for controlbox
3. 24 volts transformer
4. 24 volts bulb
D Others
1. Cleaning knife for baking plate& graving
1. Batter mixer - 240Litres
2. Batter trolley - 320Litres
3. 6 meters Coolingconveyor
4. 3 layers metalremover
5. G.J. Brand export grademetal
CNC cone making machine